Investment Criteria
The firm has the ability and flexibility to invest anywhere in North America, and can do both equity and debt focused investments.
Typically a business that is an equity investment has the following characteristics:
- $1M-$5M EBITDA (can go larger for platform investments, and lower if it is an add-on to existing investment).
- Industry: Manufacturing, Consumer Products, Multi-Unit Retail/Restaurant, Distribution, Specialty Finance, Oil Field Service, Transportation, Business Services.
- Growth Capital, or Growth Capital Re-Capitalization. Seldom do 100% buyout.
Typical debt investment will have one or more of the following
- Project Based Need
- Minority Equity Buyout
- Recapitalization
- Cash flow to support, or loan to asset value no greater than 60%
- Transaction Financing
- Time sensitive and traditional lenders can’t meet quick turnaround
(have closed in less than 2 weeks in several situations) - Bridge or short term nature (less than 24 months).
CCA Partners has a high level of flexibility in allocation of capital to investments. We can also entertain and invest in opportunities that are project based, real estate focused (development, redevelopment, or opportunistic acquisition), purchase order financing and contract financing.